What’s Your Energy Currency?

“Oh no! Not more housework!” Joy groaned. “Can’t we do something fun?”
“Just think how good you’ll feel when it’s all done and everything is neat and clean,” her mother replied.
“But it doesn’t make me feel good,” Joy argued. “It just makes me feel tired and flat because it’s so boring.”
“It gives me a lift,” countered Mum. “All you need to do it put your mind to it, and you’ll feel great.”
“I’ll never enjoy it,” muttered Joy as she opened the linen cupboard. Rows of immaculately folded sheets and towels greeted her gaze. It all looked fine to her. Why did her mum have to be such a perfectionist? Everything had to be in order, not a thing out of place. Joy was sure of one thing: she would never, ever get the same kind of satisfaction from housework that her mother did. She’d far rather be doing something creative with her friends. Her thoughts wandered to their jam session that afternoon – she was taking her guitar. She loved experimenting with different music in the group, and she was really looking forward to it. Joy felt better already as her natural energy currency kicked in and she relaxed. She was able to switch off to the task at hand and focus on something enjoyable.
Energy Currency
All the positive thinking in the world is not going to help Joy find housework energizing the way her mother does. The fact that she finds it boring, and feels tired after doing it, gives us a clue as to her natural energy preferences, once we understand energy currency.

Is energy currency? If it moves, thinks, or performs any kind of activity at all, it requires some kind of energy in exchange. From vast machinery to kitchen appliances, energy is required for them to perform the task they were designed for. It’s the type of energy that matters – a nuclear reactor might be useful in creating power for a city, but you couldn’t plug one into your toaster. A can of oil is not going to help you if your heater requires electricity as its energy source. Energy is the currency of life and activity.
Brain Energy Currency
Human brains require energy to function just as machines do. The energy equation is the same: energy in = life and its activities out. The primary energy source for living cells is adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short. ATP is a molecule that is broken down from our food and contains just the right amount of energy to power our cells.
The brain is a very energy – hungry organ, using twenty percent of the body’s total energy even when at rest. However, by working with your natural energy preference, you can not only use your brain energy efficiently, but it can also give you a lift that comes from the enjoyment of using your natural gifts. Joy felt better as soon as she started thinking about activities that she found stimulating and enjoyable. It energized her to complete the task she found boring and energy – draining. Energy currency for the brain can be defined as those activities and ways of doing things that you find energizing, rather than draining.
The Four Brain Divisions

The brain is naturally divided into four segments, with each segment responsible for different behavioural functions. And while each brain is unique, most people have a natural preference for using one or two divisions of the brain. This is because their personality and natural gifts give them a preference for one over the others. This is where their brains use their energy most efficiently. And there are activities, and ways of doing things, that each person will find energizing. Understanding your natural energy currency – the things that energize you – can help you tailor your life situation, activities and expectations to align with your natural brain energy preference. The result will be a happier and more energetic you!
Although your energy currency is only one aspect of your brain function, understanding it and using it to its best advantage can have a profound effect on your life. Research shows that when you spend long periods of time operating in a division of your brain that is not your preferred one, it taxes your brain’s energy levels, and over a long period of time can even lead to serious illnesses. Identifying your natural energy currency and adapting your life to best use it will have a beneficial impact on your health. This could mean changing your occupation to one that better suits your energy currency. Or it could mean altering a life situation so that it’s a better fit for who you are.
Although change can be painful and takes time to adjust, choose to take a long-term view, and work on changing things that are draining you of energy. You will thank yourself in the years ahead when you are enjoying good health.