Cooking Is Dangerous: Should It Be Banned?

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Cooking is dangerous. Without a doubt. Just this very morning, I cut my finger while I was trying to get beans out of a can. I’ve been burnt too (not seriously, thankfully). Last week, Michael almost set the house on fire with his potato chips – the kids would have been so disappointed. Home made chips are a rare treat.

Cooking Is Dangerous

Cooking Is Dangerous

Anyway, as I was saying, cooking is dangerous. So many things have been banned in Australia because they are dangerous – councils erect fences and walls to keep people from enjoying their favourite places. Governments in their wisdom are constantly updating laws to declare more and more things dangerous, and therefore illegal. Things that were perfectly fine last year have suddenly become an offence – and woe betide you if you don’t know about it. A hefty fine is coming your way. (The more cynical among us would argue that it’s just another attempt to fleece the public of their hard earned cash…but we won’t go there!).

There’s no doubt about it, the world we live in is considered far more dangerous than it was twenty years ago. It’s a miracle that so many of us survived those times without all the laws and rules we have now. People are incapable of common sense, it seems – at least as far as the lawmakers are concerned. Whoever heard of someone thinking for themselves?!

Cooking, Kitchen, Woman, Cook, Stir Fry

Maiming And Monotony

Anyway, back to cooking. Out of all the activities that could potentially be dangerous, why hasn’t this one been banned? I’d be OK with that. Seven days a week I deal with food. Preparing, cooking, serving, cleaning up. Prodding children to eat it. Trying to get them to finish it before we have to run out the door. Cooking is SUCH a waste of time. The job never stays done. No one notices the efforts of the cook. No one prepares meals for the cook. It’s just a seven day a week job that is taken for granted. So why can’t we ban it? Make it a safety issue because death by monotony is a real risk?  Not to mention getting injured or maimed for life. There are lots of reasons why banning cooking would make as much sense as all the other bans on otherwise enjoyable activities.

Well, the lawmakers are unlikely to agree. They are probably not people who cook much themselves, and don’t see that cooking is dangerous. So, for those of us who are non – cooks, let’s make it Thank The Cook day. Let’s go out of our way to notice the efforts of those who faithfully serve up meals and say thank you. Cooks love being appreciated. They love it when someone notices the effort they have put into preparing a meal. It makes it worthwhile when someone says thank you. Make a cook happy today!

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