Regardless of your preferences, one beverage undoubtedly features in your morning routine more than any other. Coffee fans swear by that first cup of the day to get them going, while others prefer water. So which is better for that morning magic feeling?

Coffee drinkers love that morning magic feeling to start the day, but once it’s inside, what does it actually do? Is is harmful, beneficial, both, or neither?
1. According to Harvard Health Publications, caffeine does indeed improve morning alertness and mental performance – you’re not imagining it! This is because it is a brain stimulant. It fools the brain into blocking adenosine, a chemical that helps you to stay calm by keeping the chemicals such as dopamine and adrenaline, which are associated with excitement, under control. With the guard dog subdued, these chemicals – stimulated by caffeine – are free to come out and play, giving you a feeling of energy and alertness.

2. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can trigger the release of hydrochloric acid, which is used in the digestive process. In the long term, this can cause problems, as this process is only meant to take place with food. Eventually, your stomach might have trouble producing hydrochloric acid in sufficient quantities to digest meals, particularly protein. Undigested protein can cause a variety of problems, from bloating and gas to diverticulitis and even colon cancer.
3. One of caffeine’s better known properties is as a weight loss agent. A whole industry has grown up around caffeine’s ability to suppress the appetite in some people, and it is a key ingredient in many weight loss products. Some people have achieved weight loss success from using caffeine, and many more will tell you that it does indeed suppress the appetite. Studies show that it also can boost the resting metabolic rate by between 3 – 11%. However, this effect is largely negated in the long term as regular consumption builds up tolerance.

4. Caffeine relaxes the esophageal sphincter, the small muscle that keeps the hydrochloric acid down in the stomach, where it belongs. When this happens, the contents of your stomach rise up into the esophagus, causing heartburn. Other caffeinated drinks can do the same thing, but it has been particularly noted with coffee.
5. Coffee is known to be a laxative – which can be great, first thing in the morning – or is it? What’s really going on down there?
Consuming coffee can stimulate peristalsis, the process of emptying the intestines. When this occurs, food may be hurried through the digestive tract before being fully digested. The danger with this is that some nutrients may not be fully absorbed, leading to deficiencies. Of particular concern is magnesium, with an estimated 70% of the population already deficient, or consuming insufficient quantities.

6. When consumed in large quantities, that morning magic feeling of alert energy can turn into a jittery, unable – to – relax feeling. Studies have shown that caffeine stimulates the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which puts your body into “fight or flight” mode, leading to increases in heart rate, blood pressure and feelings of tension. In the long term, this kind of stress can have serious health consequences, because our bodies are not designed to be always on high alert, unable to relax or switch off. For many of us, life is already highly pressurized, and rather than being helpful, our love affair with caffeine may actually be doing us more harm than good.
So, what happens if you drink water in the morning instead of coffee? Do you get that morning magic feeling? Can’t bear the thought of water, especially in the morning? Does it really do anything for you?
The Japanese might be onto something here. It’s a common practice in Japan (especially among the older folk) to drink two glasses of water on an empty stomach. The jury is still out as to whether this helps add to lifespan, but there are currently over 50 000 centenarians living in Japan. They must be doing something right!

1. The most obvious thing about a glass of water in the morning is that is helps to rehydrate your body after a prolonged period of time without fluids. The effects are not as dramatic as consuming caffeine, but during the morning you will feel more refreshed, your energy levels are more likely to be stable, and believe it or not, when you are well hydrated you will also be more mentally alert.
2. While you sleep, you body has been doing its job – all the myriad processes of keeping you alive and functioning. But this comes with a price: toxins. If allowed to build up, they can make you very sick. So when you have a couple of glasses of water in the morning, you’re giving your body a helping hand to flush out these toxins. You will feel better, and you’ll be able to absorb more nutrients from your food.

3. During the night, you gradually dehydrate, losing a little moisture each time you exhale. The brain is up to 86% water, so it really feels the effects of dehydration, leading to loss of mental clarity (“brain fog”), and the reduction of some abilities such as planning and visual/spatial processing. In a nutshell, it doesn’t work as well when it’s dehydrated! A morning glass of water can do a lot of good for a brain that might have become a little dehydrated overnight.
According to Dr Arlene Taylor, brain function researcher, just a 2% drop in hydration levels of the brain can lead to fuzzy short – term memory, trouble focusing on small print, such as on a computer screen, and daytime fatigue.

4. If you’re battling the bulge, water can be a useful ally. According to Dr Taylor, dehydration can slow down the metabolic rate by up to 3%. That’s not good news if you’re trying to lose weight! Being dehydrated can also lead to confusion between hunger and thirst signals in the body, and people often reach for a snack when they really need water. The morning magic of water keeps you hydrated and your metabolism on track. If you’re not sure if you’re hungry or thirsty, try a glass of water, wait for fifteen minutes, and then re – evaluate your hunger. Do you really need that snack?
5. In an era when there are almost limitless beverage options, and obesity is on the rise in many parts of the world, the morning magic of water stands out as the best choice for limiting calorie consumption. Starting the day with water rather than a beverage with added sugar or fat has to be better for your waistline, and if you start the day well, you’re more likely to make healthy food and drink choices for the rest of the day.

If you don’t like the taste of water, there are things you can try – drink chilled water, add a squeeze of lemon or lime, or make a fruit infusion by cutting up fruit, placing it in a jug of water in the fridge, and leaving it overnight before consuming. You could also try drinking sparkling or filtered water. And remember, just as you are able to form a new habit in 15 – 21 days, it’s also possible to retrain your taste buds in a similar amount of time. The time will come when you don’t even notice the taste, if you persist. It’s worth a try, for your health’s sake.
While debate continues to rage over the health benefits (or not) of coffee, the science is clear on water: it’s good for you. So before you reach for the coffee, how about a glass of water first? Your body and your brain will thank you.