“Hey, TD!” I called to my son. “Come and have a look what’s out here!” He ran into the kitchen and stood on tiptoes to peer out the window.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Watch… see – there it is.” We watched quietly as a goanna slunk under the fence and into the yard. As goannas go, it was a fine specimen. About a metre long, its stripes and spots stood out vibrantly against the dark background of its skin. Its claws were formidable, its tail long and strong. Its tongue flicked in and out as it moved slowly towards the house.
We quietly went to the back door and opened it, waiting to see the goanna appear around the corner of the house. But it didn’t. Suddenly, it raced up the nearest tree, the small pawpaw tree that stands near the corner of the house. A moment later, the cat appeared, looking rather pleased with herself. She had only been curious, but apparently, it was enough to scare off the intruder. A big goanna could inflict serious damage on a cat, and I suddenly found myself being thankful that this one took fright rather than picking a fight.

I decided to go closer for a look. The tree isn’t very big, and the goanna’s tail hung down where I could easily reach it (not that I would be so foolish!). The goanna was well aware of the inadequacy of its perch, and it began to hiss. Loudly and ferociously. It puffed itself up to look even more fearsome. Its wicked claws were shredding one of the green pawpaws as it clung to the tree, and its strong tail was wrapped around the tree trunk. Its message was clear: Don’t mess with me! If ever there were a real-life dragon, this would come close.
But the reality was, it was still stuck up a tree with nowhere to go. A small, inadequate tree. Horribly exposed to predators, and with no defence save whatever damage it could inflict with its claws and tail. Beneath the ferocious appearance was fear – and with good reason. It had no way of knowing that I intended it no harm, and it was cornered. Stuck up a tree with nowhere to go.
Stuck Up A Tree With Nowhere To Go
Have you ever been stuck up a tree with nowhere to go? I have. Sometimes circumstances leave us stranded, clinging to whatever is left of our life, however small and pitiful that may be, however inadequate. The loss of a job, financial hardship, the disintegration of family life – all these things and more leave us clutching whatever is left.
We may try to give the appearance of being in control. Maybe we even look ferocious. But underneath, there is fear. Sometimes, we wonder if this is the best life will ever offer us, and we can’t see beyond our present circumstances. Sometimes we get desperate and try to change things – often to only make it worse. Like the goanna, we find ourselves stuck up a tree and can’t see any way down. So we cling to whatever is left, unwilling to let go, fearful of losing that last little remnant of safety and security.
Seasons Don’t Last Forever

I’ve been there, stuck in circumstances that I desperately wanted to change. And I want to assure you, if you are there now, things will get better. Tree-sitting doesn’t last forever. One day things will change for you. In my case, I found my faith in God to be a better tree to hold onto. He doesn’t change, and He’s more than adequate for safety and security. No matter what happens in life, as circumstances change and the seasons of life come and go, He is always there. And he is always someone I can depend on.
Not only that, He has rewarded my faith in Him, by bringing about His purposes and plans for me, which are more fulfilling than anything I could have dreamed up on my own. If you believe in God, and you are going through a tough time in your life right now, let me encourage you to hold onto Him. He will always be there for you. He will help you find the answers, and when the time is right, He will help you come down out of the tree.

A Time And A Season
To everything, there is a time and a season. If you find yourself stuck up a tree with nowhere to go, be patient. The season will pass. While you are there, you will probably have the opportunity for growth, for self – examination and reflection on your life. Take that opportunity and make the most of it. The reason for the season might very well be to teach you something or prepare you for the next season that is just around the corner. Your life might be about to take an unexpected turn – and you might need the preparation time.
Refuse to give up during difficult times. Instead, see the season as part of life’s journey, rather than an inconvenient deviation from your chosen path. It’s hard to let go of plans and dreams, but allow yourself the thought that maybe this season is preparing you for something different. Maybe you can’t embrace it right now. Maybe it hurts too much for that. But put aside just a tiny corner for the future. Make room for the thought that maybe in the future you can find something good in what has happened to you. That maybe there will be life beyond the tree. Then lay it aside till you’re ready.
This Too Shall Pass
It will pass. It might not be fast or easy – it rarely is. But one day, the season will come to an end. One day you will realize you have come down from the tree. You have moved on, and never again will that tiny tree ever be adequate, because you have something so much better. One day you will be able to see purpose in your pain, and you will be able to look back and see how far you have come. Let me encourage you to hang in there, to hold onto God, and to wait patiently for the season to pass. Nothing is forever. Not even when you’re stuck up a tree with nowhere to go.
Some good quotes: