In recent weeks, we have been seeing the Californian wildfires on the news. They have stunned firefighters with their ferocity and intensity. Some have even perished while trying to battle the infernos. One seasoned firefighter said that the fires have been creating their own weather phenomena and as a result, they are seeing things they have never seen before. These fires have a life of their own and nothing can stop them. Could it be that fiery words are the same?
Fiery Words Cause Devastation
Our words are likened to a forest fire in the book of James: 3:5
Even so, the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles!
James 3:5
He is talking about the power our words hold. One false accusation, one slip of the tongue, one misunderstanding, one moment of meddling – all can create a firestorm that is impossible to quench. It often burns the person that started it as well as everyone else that it hurts along the way. Fiery words kindle blazes that are impossible to put out.
What is Inside Comes Out
Where does the intention or essence of our words arise? They are not random mumblings that have no meaning (unless we are under the influence of something stronger than water!). We think we can throw them around casually, but they are actually a serious matter in God’s sight. They reveal what is inside, whether it is the spirit of God at work in our hearts or a different kind of spirit. Jesus knew that what is inside eventually comes out:
“thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness.
All these evil things come from within and defile a man.”
Mark 7:22 – 23
In their natural state, our hearts are full of evil. Although we might try to hide what is within, our words are often tainted by the corruption we are harbouring. Our sinful condition is impossible to hide. It seeps out in our words and actions and reveals the true state of our hearts. Our sinful, fiery words wither and blast the tender hearts of our children, our loved ones and our friends. They steal hope and joy from those that need it most. They cause anger, strife, and rifts in relationships. Incredible evil results from unwise or evil words.
Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.
Colossians 4:6
Words Seasoned with Grace 
But when we are raised to new life in Christ, our words are seasoned with grace.They are full of life and hope, the fruitful result of being grafted into the vine. Jesus, the Word that became flesh, places His words in our mouths. They flow out to others around us in streams of blessing, encouragement and hope. Some of Jesus’ most important ministry was through the words that He spoke. Words of instruction and teaching in heavenly principles sprang from His lips. He brought life and healing to the downtrodden and those stuck in sin through His words of hope. His deeds, His miracles, and His interactions with the people were almost always preceded by wise, loving and godly words.
Check Our Words
It’s a good idea to take note of our words and check if they reveal Jesus to those around us. It’s a mistake to assume that they are not important or can be taken lightly. Our words are an indication of our spiritual condition; one reflects the other. The Bible shows us that they can bring spiritual life or death to those that hear them. Listen to what we speak each day – are we speaking fiery words that are negative and angry, or uplifting and kind? Are they bitter and unforgiving, or seasoned with grace? Are they critical and discouraging, or encouraging and hopeful? If they are not all they should be, perhaps it’s time to reconnect with the source of good words and immerse ourselves in the presence of the Spirit.