We come into regular contact with many people and organizations in our daily lives. We see the same people when we go out to eat, shop and exercise. But how many communities do we actually belong to? Are we surrounded by people but missing community? Is there a sense of community in the workplace? How can we build community?
Easy Ways You Can Build Community With The People Around You
The experts tell us that we are happier, healthier, more productive, and live longer when we belong to a community. Clearly, we are designed for community. Conversely, work stress and the lack of community and camaraderie in the workplace has a negative effect on our health and wellbeing. Some of the ways we can build community at work include:
- Building community around shared interests
In most cases, shared interests are at the heart of a community. Within the workplace, this could mean sharing an interest in the field you work in or participating in activities outside of the workplace. It could mean working together on a project that is of interest to a group of people or organizing a community event based on a shared interest.
- Taking a personal interest in others
This simply means caring about what matters to others. Some people appear interested in the lives of others but really just want some juicy gossip. Don’t be that person! Respect the boundaries of others while maintaining friendly interest in the things that matter to them. Ask questions about things they have shared with you in the past. When getting to know someone, keep the questions friendly and general and know when to stop and where to draw the line. People will appreciate your interest in the things that matter to them and your respect for their boundaries.
- Celebrating Special Events
Celebrate special events such as birthdays and holidays. Plan to recognize dates that are memorable for your workplace or business. Celebrating a special event creates a vibe of excitement and anticipation when everyone works together. Working together to prepare for an event enhances the feeling of community.

Easy Ways You Can Build Community With The Workplace Culture
- Create A Culture Of Encouragement
Creating a culture of encouragement in the workplace creates a positive vibe. It also fosters the belief that everyone is working towards a common goal. It helps people to feel that they are part of a team and that those around them notice their contributions.
- Recognize A Job Well Done
One of the greatest needs in the workplace is recognition for achievement. A lack of recognition is one of the biggest reasons people leave organizations, but you can build community by recognizing a job well done. People who feel rewarded are more likely to stay with the company. A reward for effort helps to create a satisfied workplace community.
- Build Community through Inclusion
Include everyone in matters that affect them. There is nothing more divisive than excluding someone, even accidentally. People need to feel that they are important enough to be included, particularly with issues that affect them.
These are just some of the ways that you can build community in the workplace. You can make your workplace a more satisfying and fulfilling place to be simply by paying attention to one of our most basic human needs: belonging to a community.