If you have received a diagnosis of diabetes, you may be wondering what you can do to help your condition. If you are thinking of adding more raw foods to your diet, beetroot is an excellent choice. Low in fat and packed with vitamins, beetroot is rich in antioxidants and experts agree that everyone can enjoy its benefits, even diabetics.
Beetroot Lowers Blood Pressure

Many diabetics suffer from high blood pressure, in particular people with Type 2 diabetes. Researchers discovered that a cup of beetroot juice each day significantly reduced high blood pressure among participants in their studies. It also appears to make blood vessel walls more flexible and elastic.
Beetroot contains high levels of nitrates and researchers believe that this is the reason it helps high blood pressure. They believe it allows flexibility in the walls of the blood vessels, allowing them to dilate and thus lowering blood pressure.
Beetroot Keeps Blood Glucose Levels Stable
Although the glycemic index of beetroot is 64, it converts to glucose quite slowly. This means that you can use it without any sudden spikes in blood sugar. Beetroot also contains high levels of betalain and neo betanin. These two important nutrients help to lower insulin levels in the body and increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin.
Beetroot Lowers Inflammation Caused By Diabetes
Decades ago, researchers discovered that people with diabetes have higher levels of inflammation in their bodies. Although they don’t know all the reasons why they believe that being overweight and inactive plays a part in high levels of inflammation. It appears that cytokines (substances produced by the immune system) gather in abdominal fat. This causes inflammation, which interferes with the body’s ability to use insulin normally.
Beetroot is a rich source of betalain, a phytonutrient that helps to reduce inflammation. Diabetics often experience oxidative stress as a result of their condition, sometimes leading to other complications. These beneficial plant substances help to combat the oxidative stress and inflammation suffered by diabetics.
Beetroot Boosts Exercise Performance

One of the best ways to improve your health if you have diabetes is to exercise. Exercise lowers insulin levels and helps to make the body more sensitive to insulin.
Beetroot is a hero when it comes to exercise, too. Researchers believe that it improves exercise performance by enhancing oxygen uptake by the muscles. In the long-term, regular exercise helps to reduce the high risk of heart disease that comes with diabetes.
Beetroot Reduces Dementia Risk
Diabetics have a higher risk of being diagnosed with dementia than people who don’t have diabetes, especially if their sugar levels are not well-controlled. High glucose levels damage the internal organs, including the brain. Cognitive function is lower and the risk of dementia much higher when glucose levels are consistently high.
The high nitrate levels in beetroot help to dilate blood vessels in the brain, keeping blood flow at optimal levels. Nitrate is converted into nitrite, which keeps blood vessels open so blood can flow freely.
Can Everyone Use Beetroot?

Beetroot is high in oxalates, which can cause kidney stones. However, the levels found in beetroot as a food are unlikely to cause much harm.
Including More Beetroot In Your Diet
Raw is best, as cooking can damage some of the beneficial substances found in beetroot. It is also better as a salad vegetable than juice because juicing can remove some of the fibre (depending on the juicing method you use). Once peeled or grated, be sure to use it promptly so that you get the best nutritional value from it.